5 Reasons to Consider Full Mouth Reconstruction

5 Reasons to Consider Full Mouth Reconstruction

Many people think of dental treatments in terms of individual procedures: Have a cavity? Get a filling. Crack your tooth? A crown can help. But what if you have multiple issues you want or need to address? That’s when it’s time to consider a full mouth reconstruction.

Sometimes called a smile makeover, full mouth reconstruction uses a series of treatments to address functional and aesthetic issues — basically, whatever issues are of concern to you or have an impact on your oral health or even your overall health. 

At Yardley Family Dental, full mouth reconstruction begins with a review of your concerns and a comprehensive oral exam and an evaluation of your bite mechanics and other functions. Phillip Halper, DDS, develops a step-by-step plan to address both oral health and cosmetic issues, with treatments typically taking place in a specific sequence.

Full mouth reconstruction is entirely customizable, and the treatments Dr. Halper recommends for you are based on your needs and goals. There are lots of reasons to have full mouth reconstruction. These are five of the most common reasons.

1. To fix multiple damaged or missing teeth

Fixing problems involving multiple teeth is a common reason for people to opt for full mouth reconstruction. It’d be great if everyone had perfect or near-perfect teeth, but the fact is that plenty of people have multiple problems with their teeth. 

Cavities, gum disease, broken teeth, missing teeth — all of these issues can have dramatic effects on your comfort, function, and confidence, and each issue requires a different type of treatment. Full mouth reconstruction takes care of all these issues and more with a treatment plan that’s designed just for you.

2. To improve bite balance

Most people don’t think a lot about the way they bite and chew, but your bite mechanics and bite balance — the way your teeth work together — have a major influence on your oral health. If your bite balance is off, you’re more likely to develop problems like chronic grinding (bruxism) or even temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), a problem that involves inflammation of the jaw joints, facial pain, and chronic headaches.

Bite balance problems can happen for different reasons, like missing teeth, misshapen teeth, and poor alignment. Sometimes, bite balance issues involve multiple underlying issues. Full mouth reconstruction can address them all, improving your bite mechanics and eliminating painful symptoms.

3. To improve the way you eat and speak

Speaking is certainly at the core of social activity, and eating plays a big role, too. Issues like poor alignment, missing teeth, badly damaged teeth, or even gum damage can take a toll on both function and comfort when it comes to these essential functions.

Full mouth reconstruction aims to optimize your teeth, your bite pattern, and even your jaw function. After treatment, you can enjoy better speech and even better nutrition, thanks to your new smile.

4. To benefit your oral health — and overall health, too

Did you know that even a single missing tooth can lead to additional tooth loss over time? Or that gum disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss? In fact, a damaged or cracked tooth can lead to deep infection that extends into your bone.

Full mouth reconstruction addresses multiple issues, reducing the risk of problems that can have long-term effects on your oral health. What’s more, because some types of oral health concerns (like gum disease) can affect your overall health, full mouth reconstruction is a smart move for general wellness, too.

5. To give you a radiant smile

Plenty of people opt for full mouth construction to improve the way their smiles look — to themselves and to others. For cosmetic improvement of your teeth and smile, a combination of treatments can give you not only a more beautiful smile, but a big boost in confidence, too.

Cosmetic smile makeovers aim to replace or restore damaged or missing teeth, address teeth stains, and correct alignment or spacing issues that can detract from your smile aesthetics.

Full mouth reconstruction for your unique needs

At his practice in Yardley, Pennsylvania, Dr. Halper offers tailored, compassionate care for patients of all ages, including restorative, cosmetic, and preventive treatments aimed at helping every patient enjoy their most beautiful, most confident, healthiest smile. 

To find out if full mouth reconstruction is right for you, call Yardley Family Dental at 724-271-8087 today.

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