Are You a Candidate for Full-Mouth Reconstruction?

Are You a Candidate for Full-Mouth Reconstruction?

Everyone needs a little dental work now and then to fill a cavity, fix a crack, or clear away some plaque and tartar — but a full-mouth reconstruction?

It might surprise you to learn that it’s possible to completely revamp your mouth by changing the shape, size, color, and position of your teeth. A full-mouth reconstruction may be necessary for cosmetic or medical reasons or a combination of both. No two full-mouth reconstruction procedures are alike, as they entail multiple very personal variables based on your dental health and your aesthetic goals. 

Dr. Phillip Halper at Yardley Family Dental in Yardley, Pennsylvania, has extensive experience in both general and cosmetic dentistry, and he uses the most advanced technology to transform your smile. If you have multiple dental issues, Dr. Halper helps you decide whether you need just a couple of procedures, such as a crown or veneers, or if you’re a good candidate for full-mouth reconstruction. Here are a few things we consider before recommending this extreme procedure.

Is your health at risk?

During your consultation with Dr. Halper, he performs a thorough exam to determine whether the condition of your teeth is contributing to other health issues. 

For example, if you’re missing several teeth, the lack of pressure on your jaw leads to eventual deterioration of the bone. Also, severe decay and gum disease that reaches down into the tooth root and into your bone can lead to a series of problems. As the bacteria enters your bloodstream, it triggers inflammation and vascular damage that can cause heart disease, stroke, and heart attacks. 

If you have several missing or decaying teeth, or you have widespread periodontitis, full-mouth reconstruction may be medically necessary.

Are you in pain?

Dental issues can cause excruciating pain, and if other treatments have failed to relieve it, you may be a good candidate for full-mouth reconstruction. We may need to extract or repair several or all of your teeth to restore the structure of your mouth and stop the source of the pain.

Are your smile issues affecting your mental health?

Your smile is the first impression you make on others, so if it’s less than perfect, you may have a tendency to keep your mouth shut, disengage from your social life, and find yourself feeling depressed and insecure. 

Studies show that low self-esteem is directly linked to depression and anxiety, so fixing your dental problems may address your mood disorders as well. 

Are you experiencing functional problems?

When you have several dental issues at once, it can make it hard to chew efficiently or pronounce certain words properly. You may have been born with these issues, but in some cases, this occurs in people who have been to several different dentists, and the work doesn’t match well. 

Full-mouth restoration creates a plan to fix all your teeth at the same place with the same dentist, so you can be sure you walk away with a full set of teeth that are designed to work well with one another. 

Are you in good general health?

To be a good candidate for full-mouth reconstruction, you need to be healthy enough to undergo the procedures in the treatment plan. If you have any infections, you need to resolve them before you start your dental work. And if you’re a smoker, you need to quit before you begin full-mouth reconstruction.

Are you aware of and committed to the process?

Full-mouth reconstruction is often a lengthy procedure that takes place over several weeks or months. For example, if your restoration includes dental implants, you may need a bone graft that takes time to heal before the implantation can occur. 

You also need to be prepared for the cost of full-mouth reconstruction. Depending on the exact procedures involved and why you’re getting them, insurance may or may not cover it. Our team discusses all your options in detail before getting started. 

Are you ready to get a full-mouth reconstruction?

If you feel you’re a good candidate for full-mouth reconstruction, schedule a consultation with Dr. Halper to discuss your options. Request an appointment using our online scheduling tool or just give us a call today. 

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