How to Extend the Results of Teeth Whitening

How to Extend the Results of Teeth Whitening

Every year in the United States, more than 35 million men and women turn to teeth whitening treatments to help them look and feel their best. Teeth whitening is one of the most cost-effective things you can do to dramatically improve your smile — and your confidence, too.

An aesthetic dentistry specialist, Phillip Halper, DDS, helps patients at Yardley Family Dentistry get whiter, brighter teeth in the comfort of their own homes with take-home teeth whitening kits featuring professional-strength whitening agents. If teeth whitening is on your list of New Year’s resolutions, here are six things you can do to enjoy your results for as long as possible. 

#1: Have your teeth cleaned first

Sticky plaque and hard tartar deposits can make it a lot harder for whitening agents to penetrate your tooth enamel, giving you inconsistent whitening results. Having your teeth cleaned first gets rid of plaque and tartar, allowing better coverage and deeper penetration of the whitener.

#2: Rinse — don’t brush — after eating or drinking

Rinsing after you eat is a good way to remove pigments that could be clinging to your tooth surfaces. (Bonus: Rinsing also removes food particles that can cause bad breath.) 

Why not brush? Because eating and drinking can cause your tooth enamel to soften temporarily (for about 30 minutes). Brushing during this time could actually damage enamel and make your teeth more prone to stains (and decay).

#3: Beware of high-acid foods and drinks

High-acid foods like citrus fruits and tomatoes aren’t bad for you — in fact, they offer plenty of health benefits. But these and other high-acid foods and drinks (like sodas and energy drinks) temporarily soften your tooth enamel, making it easier for stains to penetrate. Rinsing after consuming high-acid foods and drinks is a good way to neutralize acids. 

#4: Kick the tobacco habit

Whether you smoke it or chew it, tobacco is a major cause of yellow and brown stains on teeth. These stains are sure to come back — and quickly — unless you give up tobacco products completely.

#5: Optimize your oral hygiene routine

Regular brushing and flossing are really important for your oral health, and they can also help your whitening results last longer, too. Just be sure you’re brushing using the right technique to get rid of plaque deposits that can wind up staining your pearly whites. The American Dental Association website shows the best way to brush in this short video.

#6: Don’t skip cleanings and checkups

Professional cleanings help remove tough tartar and eliminate hard-to-reach plaque, in addition to polishing tooth surfaces so they reflect more light. Plus, regular checkups help prevent problems like deep decay that can cause internal tooth discoloration.

Professional whitening vs. store-bought bleaching products

There are dozens of teeth bleaching kits on the market today, and all of them promise amazing results. The problem: The results of store-bought products just can’t come close to the whitening and brightening you can enjoy with professional whitening kits.

Why? Because professional whitening kits use professional-strength whitening agents and custom trays that keep those agents close to the surfaces of your teeth. Over-the-counter kits use weaker bleaching agents and one-size-fits-all applications. Bottom line: Our professional kits can give you faster, deeper, more dramatic results in less time compared to kits you can buy at the store.

Ready to dazzle the New Year with a whiter, brighter, sexier smile? Then book an appointment online or over the phone at our practice in Yardley, Pennsylvania, and let Yardley Family Dentistry make your resolution come true.

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